- Largest Scale and Largest Number of Sturgeons in Korea -

Exclusively supplied with caviar produced by the [Hamyang Sturgeon Aquafarm Co., Ltd.],

the largest sturgeon farm in Korea, located in Hamyang-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do

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Hamyang Sturgeon Aquafarm possesses its own experimental and research facilities, comparable to domestic inland water research institutes.

Also, it has the technical expertise to handle the entire sturgeon production process, from fry cultivation to caviar production

Hamyang Sturgeon Aquafarm

- Since 2005 - 

20 Years of Expertise, Premium Quality, Trust, and Care 

Since 2005, the Hamyang Sturgeon Fishery Cooperative has been operating a 16,500㎡ aquaculture facility at an altitude of 700 meters on the slopes of Jirisan Mountain in Hamyang-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do.

In a nature-friendly environment, the cooperative strictly adheres to a no-antibiotics and no-aquatic-drugs policy, using 100% pure water from Jirisan to raise approximately 40,000 sturgeons.

Additionally, the cooperative complies fully with international agreements such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), local environmental office regulations, and certifications from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

It is the largest operation in Korea, both in scale and number of sturgeons, producing sturgeons exclusively through legal and ethical practices.


Caviar Production Process 

Upload Date: 2022.05.08  

Life Information Sharing - EP 1638

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Upload Date  : 2022.04.21 

Famous Lives Season 4 - EP 423

Upload Date : 2021.09.08 

Sturgeon Aquaculture 

Upload Date : 2017.04.10 

Ordinary Millionaire - EP 356

Upload Date : 2021.08.24 

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Hamyang Sturgeon Aquafarm
- Since 2005 -

20 Years of Expertise, Premium Quality, Trust, and Care 

Since 2005, the Hamyang Sturgeon Fishery Cooperative has been operating a 16,500㎡ aquaculture facility at an altitude of 700 meters on the slopes of Jirisan Mountain in Hamyang-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do.

In a nature-friendly environment, the cooperative strictly adheres to a no-antibiotics and no-aquatic-drugs policy, using 100% pure water from Jirisan to raise approximately 40,000 sturgeons.

Additionally, the cooperative complies fully with international agreements such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), local environmental office regulations, and certifications from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

It is the largest operation in Korea, both in scale and number of sturgeons, producing sturgeons exclusively through legal and ethical practices.


Hamyang Sturgeon Aquafarm possesses its own experimental and research facilities, comparable to domestic inland water research institutes.

Also, it has the technical expertise to handle the entire sturgeon production process, from fry cultivation to caviar production.


Caviar Production Process


Sturgeon Aquaculture

Life Information Sharing

Famous Lives Season 4

Ordinary Millionaire